[blend_info] Emit value using nodes
2022-02-02Blender 2.79
In Blender 2.79 we were able to misuse the old material settings to store e.g. a value for light emitting geometry:
# list the material names used in the Cornell Box scene
$ blend_info -n Material.ID.name cornell_box_v2_79.blend
Material.ID.name = "MAcbox"
Material.ID.name = "MAcbox_green"
Material.ID.name = "MAcbox_red"
Material.ID.name = "MAlarge_box"
Material.ID.name = "MALight"
Material.ID.name = "MAsmall_box"
# only the Light material has an emit value > 0 set
$ blend_info -n Material.emit cornell_box_v2_79.blend
Material.emit = 0_f32
Material.emit = 0_f32
Material.emit = 0_f32
Material.emit = 0_f32
Material.emit = 100_f32
Material.emit = 0_f32
Blender 3.0
In Blender 3.0 we have to use the Shader Editor
and nodes:
# list the material names used in the Cornell Box scene
$ blend_info -n Material.ID.name cornell_box_v3_00.blend
Material.ID.name = "MAcbox"
Material.ID.name = "MAcbox_green"
Material.ID.name = "MAcbox_red"
Material.ID.name = "MAlarge_box"
Material.ID.name = "MALight"
Material.ID.name = "MAsmall_box"
# only one of them has to use the Shader Editor
$ blend_info -n Material.use_nodes cornell_box_v3_00.blend
Material.use_nodes = 0
Material.use_nodes = 0
Material.use_nodes = 0
Material.use_nodes = 0
Material.use_nodes = 1
Material.use_nodes = 0
Data API
We can see that Use Nodes
is turned on in the Blender 3.0 Outliner
(showing the Data API
We also see that there should be a Node Tree
$ blend_info -n Material cornell_box_v3_00.blend | grep nodetree
bNodeTree *nodetree; // 8
And that bNodeTree
should have a bunch of nodes:
# list of nodes
$ blend_info -n bNodeTree cornell_box_v3_00.blend | grep nodes
ListBase nodes; // 16
# what's a ListBase?
$ blend_info -n ListBase cornell_box_v3_00.blend
ListBase 16
struct ListBase { // SDNAnr = 2
void *first; // 8
void *last; // 8
}; // 16
We can kind of guess what data struct we have to look for:
# do we have some float values?
$ blend_info --dna cornell_box_v3_00.blend | grep bNode | grep Float
bNodeSocketValueFloat (len=16) {
# do we have such a value?
$ blend_info -n bNodeSocketValueFloat.value cornell_box_v3_00.blend
bNodeSocketValueFloat.value = 100_f32
We found the value we need, but we have to change the API of
to be able to follow pointers and savely know that
this is actually an emit
value belonging to the Light